
Comfy Love

Posted by Unknown |

Of all the comfy corners and spaces that I have found and created in my lifetime, it is an undeniable fact that the comfiest place in the world is in the arms my boyfriend. I know, I know - cue the vomiting or whatever, but it’s true, I believe in it, and you can stop reading now if you disagree or if you’re jealous or something, I don’t care. Many see me as a romantic, and I wouldn’t deny that. I’m a sucker for love and everything that comes with it. The fact is, I find so much solace and comfort in my relationship. And it isn’t the special nights out or the anniversaries, it’s the simple things: a hand on my knee on the subway home, a smiley face text in the middle of the day for no reason, a shoulder to fall asleep on while I’m watching late night TV. So if the best of times are in the simplest of moments, why are relationships so difficult to maintain? I’ll tell you – I don’t know.

There is so much advice, so many tips, so many blogs, so many books all dedicated to figuring out the secret to a perfect relationship. And I’ve come to believe that there is no secret. There are no rules. There is no advice. And there is definitely no “model” for the perfect relationship. Every person is so different. Everyone has different needs, ideas, senses of humor, goals, ideas, and personality quirks, how can any singular person try to break that down into a steadfast set of rules? It’s impossible. While, this may be discouraging to some, I find it somewhat comforting. My relationship isn’t going to be like my best friend’s. So there is no use comparing and being all, “Suzy’s boyfriend calls him like 8 times a day, and mine hasn’t even texted me yet and it’s 9pm.” Suzy might be in an abusive relationship that’s gonna end tomorrow for all I know. So I can relax and trust that what I have is great and worth fighting for.

And that’s what it comes down to for me: trust. The guidelines I live my relationship by (and I think everyone has to come up with their own set of guidelines unique to their relationship) are trust, communication, and living in the moment. I have to deal with the honest fact that my relationship could end tomorrow. He could break up with me tonight in fact. And, while I feel fairly confident that he won’t, I still have to be comfortable with that unknown. I have to just enjoy the happiness that I have right now, in this moment. And I have to trust that if I communicate with him openly about everything that I want and need, then we’ll continue being together. Yeah, it’s scary, but it’s also exciting, right? And totally worth it. I love my comfy corners, and I’d risk anything to find the comfiest corner in the world. And I think I realize now, that I’ve already found it. Stay comfy y’all.


Whole-Ass-ing My Way Through Life

Posted by Unknown |

A wise man once told me to "never half-ass two things; whole-ass one thing." That man was Ron Swanson from NBC's Parks and Recreation, the best show on television, everyone should be watching it. I don't typically take Ron Swanson's advice, because if I did I would have heart disease from all of the meat I'd be consuming, but this particular quote just makes a whole lot of sense to me. I have recently started to come to terms with the fact that in many ways, I am a lazy person.

I am always searching for the easy way out of things, always choosing the less energetic route, always just leaving my clothes on the floor. This might be residual laziness from years of doing nothing but playing the Sims and eating Little Debbie's or I might just be a reflection of my generation, resting in the comfort of my parent's achievements and in no hurry to figure out my own life. But I am starting to realize that I can't get through life like that anymore. College is over, I'm in it now.

It's so easy to start a bunch of different projects, go to a bunch of different dance classes on occasion or sort-of take voice lessons on occasion. But if I wanna actually get something from my time, I need to jump into it whole-ass. I can't have just one cheek chillin' out ya know? I think this philosophy extends into my personal life as well as my career life. If I want a relationship to succeed, then I have to commit whole-ass to it. Love isn't a local brew that can be sampled before you order a full glass. You've gotta just order the full glass and trust that it'll be good. And that's what it comes down to, right? Jumping in whole-ass is scary but you have to trust that it'll all be worth it and it'll all be the right decision. In my limited experience, the danger, while admittedly terrifying, is always worth it.

Stay comfy ya'll!


Quotation Marks Fail

Posted by Unknown |

Saw this in a gas station and I've officially decided that people are just all idiots. What is the purpose of these quotation marks?!? Are you using the quotes for emphasis?! THAT'S NOT WHAT QUOTES ARE FOR!! This is the sad state of our country.