
Waiting for my White Witch

Posted by Unknown |

About a month ago I was lying in my bed. I had just woken up from a lovely night's rest but my eyes were still closed. You know how it is when you are awake, but not quite ready to get out of bed? That was me. And that is when the cheeky little ghost grabbed both of my big toes. The second his little ghost hands touched my toes, every drop of blood in my body turned to ice. I couldn't move a muscle. My whole body had seized up and my eyes were clamped shut. Slowly, every so slowly, he pulled on my big toes lifting my feet off of the bed and then slowly he released them back onto the bed. And after what seemed like ages, when he finally let go of my toes, my blood immediately went back to normal and I was able to open my eyes again with a sharp intake of breath. When I regained my awareness, I looked down and he was gone. The mischievous little casper had escaped!

And it is because of this incident (and several others, I could go on and on) that I believe in ghosts! I hear too many stories and I've experienced too many strange things in my short, eventful life that I have no other choice but to believe it's all real. I mean, it all kinda makes sense, right? It is scientifically proven that the soul of a human has a weight. And that soul leaves the body when it dies. They measured the weight of humans at the moment of death. And there is consistent weight loss of about 3/4 of an ounce coincident with the moment of death. Where does that weight go?! HUH!?! Huh, doubters?? Does it float away? Well, this particular soul decided to grab my toes one morning and now I'm a believer.

And that faith carries over into my belief of psychics and mediums as well. As hilarious as I think the Long Island medium is, I also think she is absolutely brilliant and deserves everything she's gotten in life. She pegs the craziest details about people! And psychics too! There was a white witch that came up to Hugh Jackman while he was working at the front desk of a gym, before ANYTHING happened for him. Before Les Miz and the Wolverine and the other ones. And she said, "Don't freak out, but tomorrow, you are gonna get a call from an agent. You should take him up on his offer. You are going to be very famous." Excuse me? Did that happen? I think it did. So now, I am patiently waiting out my days for my white witch to come and deliver MY good news. Bring it on ghosts! Bring it on dead people! Bring it on psychics! I'm ready. And as a  rebuttal for those of you who are maybe doubters of psychics and mediums... You can't deny that even if they are full of shit, they are offering people some much needed advice. They are helping people get over and deal with things they've been avoiding. Sometimes, I think psychics and mediums can tell people things that their friends or therapists just never quite figured out. So, I'm gonna call a psychic and get some things sorted out and you should all do the same. Stay comfy y'all.


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