
In Pursuit of the Perfect Status

Posted by Unknown |

I often find myself staring blankly at my Facebook profile trying to think of the perfect way to describe my current mood or situation. The problem is this: usually I update my status when I find myself with some time to kill. And when I have time to kill, I am not really doing anything, so my status when searching for a status is typically "searching for a status." But I can't put that down, so I have to come up with some sort of clever anecdote or phrase to put out there. It's a bigger deal than it should be for me because my status on Facebook is posted right there beside my name and my picture. So every status I choose is out there for a world of people to make judgments on me. Also, I face the problem of negotiating statuses between social networking sites. Here is my basic rule of thumb...

1) Facebook - status can be fairly insignificant but must have some sort of clever twist. "Just went grocery shopping and the hottie at the register gave me his number." or something like that. It's gotta have an angle, if only a small one.

2) Twitter - Must be significant. Must be clever. Must evoke some sort of catharsis from the reader. Must provide some sort of insight on life. "'Hahah' = I genuinely think what you said is funny / 'Hahaha' = I'm just placating you" (compliments of JDuboff)

3) Gchat status - should be a big, overarching status that sums up your life situation at the moment "Tis the year of bowls, booze and Broadway"


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