
"Goodbye World!"

Posted by Unknown |

My friend Julia and I have been on this kick where we keep imagining people taking things way too far and doing really implausible things. For instance, we were in New York recently and we were just having a generally awesome time when we started laughing uncontrollably at some not-that-funny joke and then Julia proposed the following scenario:

"What if Nathan just got so excited that he just smashed his beer bottle against the wall behind him and threw his body through the drywall and then I just took off and crashed through the window and flew out into outer space and the world then exploded into dust and all you could see was me flying toward the camera amongst the debris saying 'Goodbye world!'"

I then couldn't stop laughing for about ten minutes straight. I bring this up now because last night I found myself in a similar situation with Julia and every time I laughed I rolled onto the floor and she proposed yet another scenario:

"What if every time Chang laughed, even if it was just a little chuckle, he just started doing somersaults repeatedly until he crashed through the wall and he'd have to come back in every time."

Again, my abs are sore today from laughing so hard. Now, I can't help but imagine people on the T and in the grocery store just taking things one step too far and crashing beer bottles, doing somersaults or making the world exploding into dust. Oh, implausible situations.


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